Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Genre: Action
Release Date: Sep 16, 2008 (US)

Cheat Codes

Enter the following codes (without the quotes) by pausing gameplay and selecting the 'Input Code' option.

Unlock Amplified Lightsaber Damage:
Enter the code 'LIGHTSABER'.

Unlock Maxium Force Powers:
Enter the code 'KATARN'.

Unlock Maximum Combos Level:
Enter the code 'COUNTDOOKU'.

Unlock Mirrored Levels:
Enter the code 'MINDTRICK'.

Unlock Maximum Force Push Ranks:
Enter the code 'EXARKUN' (this code disables saves and blocks some unlockables)

Unlock ALL Lightsabre Crystals:
Enter the code 'HURRIKANE'.

Unlock Maximum Lightsaber Throw Ranks:
Enter the code 'ADEGAN'.

Unlock ALL Talents:
Enter the code 'JOCASTA'.

Unlock ALL Force Combos:
Enter the code 'MOLDYCROW'.

Unlock Aerial Ambush Combo:
Enter the code 'VENTRESS'.

Unock Aerial Assault Combo:
Enter the code 'EETHKOTH'.

Unlock Aerial Blast Combo:
Enter the code 'YADDLE'.

Unlock Lightning Bomb Combo:
Enter the code 'MASSASSI'.

Unlock Devastating Lightsaber Impale:
Enter the code 'BRUTALSTAB'.

Unlock Lightning Grenade Combo:
Enter the code 'RAGNOS'.

Unlock Lightsaber Slam Combo:
Enter the code 'PLOKOON'.

Unlock Lightsaber Sling Combo:
Enter the code 'KITFISTO'.

Unlock Sith Lightsaber Flurry Combo:
Enter the code 'LUMIYA'.

Unlock Sith Slash Combo:
Enter the code 'DARAGON'.

Unlock Sith Throw Combo:
Enter the code 'SAZEN'.

Unlock New Combo:
Enter the code 'FREEDON'.

Unlock New Combo:
Enter the code 'MARAJADE'.

Unlock General Rahm Kota Costume:
Enter the code 'MANDALORE'.

Unlock ALL Databank Entries:
Enter the code 'OSSUS'.

Unlock Kento's Robes:
Enter the code 'WOOKIEE'.

Unlock Sith Stalker Armour:
Enter the code 'KORRIBAN'.

Unlock Proxy Costume:
Enter the code 'PROTOTYPE'.

Unlock Scout Trooper Costume:
Enter the code 'FERRAL'.

Unlock Senator Bail Organa Costume:
Enter the code 'VICEROY'.

Unlock Jedi Adventure Robes:
Enter the code 'HOLOCRON'.

Unlock Jedi Ceremonial Robes:
Enter the code 'DANTOOINE'.

Unlock Drunken Kota Costume:
Enter the code 'HARDBOILED'.

Unlock Shadow-Trooper Costume:
Enter the code 'BLACKHOLE'.

Unlock Darth Vader Costume:
Enter the code 'SITHLORD'.

Unlock Stormtrooper Commander Costume:
Enter the code 'TK421BLUE'.

Unlock ALL 32 Costumes:
Enter the code 'SOHNDANN'.

Unlockable Force Moves and Combinations
Try entering the following key combinations during gameplay to perform the corresponding Force move or combination.

Unlock Aerial Ambush:
Press X(3), then hold B.

Unlock Aerial Assault 1:
Press X(3), then hold B and press X.

Unlock Aerial Assault 2:
Press X(3), then hold B and press X(2).

Unlock Aerial Blast 1:
Press X(3), hold B, then release and press B again.

Unlock Aerial Blast 2:
Press X(3), hold B, then release and press X, B.

Unlock Aerial Shock 1:
Press X(3), then hold B and press Y.

Unlock Aerial Shock 2:
Press X(3), then hold B and press X, Y.

Unlock Aerial Strike:
Hold RB then press A, LB.

Unlock Cannonball:
Press RT, B.

Unlock Counter Force Grip:
Press B repeatedly.

Unlock Dashing Blast:
Press LB, B.

Unlock Dashing Shock:
Press LB, Y.

Unlock Dashing Slash:
Press LB, X.

Unlock Force Grip:
Press RT.

Unlock Force Lightning:
Press Y.

Unlock Force Lock:
Press Y to match onscreen command.

Unlock Force Push:
Press B.

Unlock Force Repulse:
Hold RT and press B.

Unlock Force Shield:
Hold RT and press Y.

Unlock Grapple 1:
Press A + X.

Unlock Grapple 2:
Press B + Y.

Unlock Force Throw:
Hold RT, move object towards target, then release.

Unlock Impale Gripped Enemy:
Hold RT and press X.

Unlock Leaping Slam 1:
Press A, then hold X.

Unlock Leaping Slam 2:
Press A, X, then hold X.

Unlock Leaping Slam 3:
Press A, X(2), then hold X.

Unlock Leaping Slam 4:
Press A, X(3), then hold X.

Unlock Leaping Slash 1:
Press A, X.

Unlock Leaping Slash 2:
Press A, X(2).

Unlock Leaping Slash 3:
Press A, X(3).

Unlock Leaping Slash 4:
Press A, X(4).

Unlock Lightning Bomb:
Press Y, RT.

Unlock Lightning Grenade:
Press RT, Y.

Unlock Move Gripped Object:
Press Left Analog-stick and Right Analog-stick.

Unlock Saber Blast:
Press X, B.

Unlock Saber Slam:
Press X(3), B.

Unlock Saber Sling:
Press X(2), B.

Unlock Sith Saber Flurry:
Press X, pause then press X, pause then press X, pause then press X.

Unlock Sith Saber Smash 1:
Press X(2), Y.

Unlock Sith Saber Smash 2:
Press X(2), Y(2).

Unlock Sith Saber Smash 3:
Press X, Y, X, Y.

Unlock Sith Saber Smash 4:
Press X(3), Y.

Unlock Sith Shien:
Press X(4).

Unlock Sith Slash:
Press X, Y(2).

Unlock Sith Strike:
Press X, Y.

Unlock Zap Gripped Enemy:
Hold RT and press Y.