Grand Theft Auto IV

Genre: Action Adventure
Release Date: April 29, 2008 (US)

Cheat Codes

In GTA IV cheats are activated via using the mobile phone. Try entering any of the following codes after Roman has given you his old mobile phone. This happens pretty early in the game so you don't have to wait long before you can enter the cheat codes. Once you have the phone you can enter them as often as you like.

Okay, first get out your mobile phone and press 'Up' to raise the phone higher and reveal the complete keypad. Then use your controller to select the set of numbers according to which cheat you want to use, after you have entered the code the cursor moves to the dial button, just press 'Up' again and if successful you will see a message 'Cheat Activated' on the screen. When a code has been entered correctly, a new 'Cheats' menu option becomes available on your phone under 'Options' which allows you to access the cheats without having to enter the phone number again.

We would say not to save your game after you have enabled a cheat code.

Full Health :
Call 362-555-0100

Full Health and Ammunition :
Call 482-555-0100

Reset Wanted Level :
Call 267-555-0100

Wanted Level Up One :
Call 267-555-0150

Weapons 1 :
Call 486-555-0100

Weapons 2 :
Call 486-555-0150

Change Weather and Brightness :
Call 468-555-0100

Spawn Annihilator Cop Helicopter :
Call 359-555-0100

Spawn Cognoscenti :
Call 227-555-0142

Spawn Comet :
Call 227-555-0175

Spawn FBI Buffalo :
Call 227-555-0100

Spawn Jetmax :
Call 938-555-0100

Spawn NRG-900 :
Call 625-555-0100

Spawn Sanchez :
Call 625-555-0150

Spawn SuperGT :
Call 227-555-0168

Spawn Turismo :
Call 227-555-0147

Instant 5-Star Wanted Level :
Activate the following effects in the game by going to an internet cafe and typing the corresponding URL :

Armor, Weapon, Vehicle, Health, Pigeon, Ramp/Stunt and Entertainment Locations :
Activate the following effects in the game by going to an internet cafe and typing the corresponding URL :

Police Database :
Activate the following effects in the game by going to an internet cafe and typing the corresponding URL then select Database :