Cheat Codes
Type in the word below as a code during gameplay. The following cheats can't be activated when the game is paused. You must enter them during gameplay. They are not case-sensitive, either.
Health and Stats
$250,000, full health and armor - HESOYAM
Infinite Health (no damage from bullets, melee attacks, and fire) - BAGUVIX
Hitman Rank and Perks in All Weapons - PROFESSIONALKILLER
Infinite Ammo - FULLCLIP
Infinite Lung Capacity - CVWKXAM
Jump Higher - KANGAROO
Jump Higher on BMX - CJPHONEHOME
Lower Muscle/Fat Stat - KVGYZQK
Max Fat Stat - BTCDBCB
Max Muscle Stat - BUFFMEUP
Max Respect Stat - WORSHIPME
Max Sex Appeal Stat - HELLOLADIES
Max Stamina - VKYPQCF
Max Vehicle Stats - NATURALTALENT
Health and Stats
$250,000, full health and armor - HESOYAM
Infinite Health (no damage from bullets, melee attacks, and fire) - BAGUVIX
Hitman Rank and Perks in All Weapons - PROFESSIONALKILLER
Infinite Ammo - FULLCLIP
Infinite Lung Capacity - CVWKXAM
Jump Higher - KANGAROO
Jump Higher on BMX - CJPHONEHOME
Lower Muscle/Fat Stat - KVGYZQK
Max Fat Stat - BTCDBCB
Max Muscle Stat - BUFFMEUP
Max Respect Stat - WORSHIPME
Max Sex Appeal Stat - HELLOLADIES
Max Stamina - VKYPQCF
Max Vehicle Stats - NATURALTALENT